When you’re preparing a beautiful piece of meat, you usually cut off excess fat and toss it. When you’re peeling..
Gardening can be pretty easy. You put your seed or seedlings into the ground, fertilize them, and water them. If..
Romulan Grapefruit is a potent strain particularly suited to partying with friends. It’s an Indica-dominant hybrid that was difficult to..
Let’s start with a different question: how long does it take to make dinner? If you’re nuking a Hot Pocket,..
It’s one of the annoyances that regular weed users have to suffer. When you first start smoking, it’s great. The..
When you search online for the phrase “How to Make Crumble,” you’ll find all sorts of tasty-looking recipes for apple..
You’ve spent months growing your weed crop. It’s now midway through the flowering stage, though, and your buds aren’t what..
When THC vape pens first hit the market, they were as easy to use as joints and pipes. Maybe even..
You can register trademarks and copyrights with the government, but there’s no “regulation” of phrases that have simply become popularly..
The easy answer isn’t always the correct one. For example, how do you smoke resin? The answer isn’t obvious, because..
If you’ve tried dabbing — and at least one study indicates that well over half of weed users have at..
Opponents of cannabis legalization are losing their battle. The federal government still considers cannabis to be an illegal substance. But..