Hemp Gummies vs CBD Gummies: What’s the Difference?

Sophia Delphi May 25, 2022 - 11 min read
Fact Checked
Colorful gummies in white background

Curious about the difference between hemp gummies and CBD gummies? This article will help you see the bigger picture.

Hemp truly is going through a renaissance. It has become the modern gold vein thanks to its industrial versatility and many potential therapeutic uses.

However, hemp has been used for thousands of years before researchers have started exploring its properties.

Of course, our ancient ancestors couldn’t access such fancy products as we can nowadays, such as hemp gummies and CBD gummies.

While these names are often used interchangeably, hemp gummies and CBD gummies aren’t the same products. While both come from hemp plants, they offer a different phytochemical profile and thus have different uses.

CBD Gummies vs. Hemp Gummies: What’s the Difference?

CBD gummies and hemp gummies have different active ingredients.

What’s Inside CBD Gummies?

CBD gummies come with CBD (or cannabidiol), which is the main active compound in the flowers of mature hemp plants. CBD appears on the flower’s surface, which is coated with crystalline glands known as trichomes. These glands are broken up during extraction and turned into viscous, cannabinoid-rich oil.

CBD oil can be infused into a wide range of formats; gummies are one of the possible options. A CBD gummy base consists of either gelatin or plant-based solidifying agents, such as agar or fruit pectin. CBD gummies are available in different shapes and flavors; they’re usually sweetened with organic cane sugar and flavored with fruit juices and concentrates.

You can choose from three types of CBD gummies: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or isolate-based.

Full-spectrum CBD gummies are the best if you’re looking for the most pronounced effects because they contain the whole range of phytochemicals from hemp. Together, they enter a unique synergy known as the entourage effect.

Broad-spectrum CBD gummies are almost like their full-spectrum counterparts — but with no traces of THC.

Isolate-based gummies contain just pure CBD; they don’t have any other cannabinoids and terpenes. CBD isolate is flavorless and odorless, so such gummies should be tastier than the two above types. On the other hand, it doesn’t evoke the entourage effect, so it may be less appealing if you’re using CBD gummies to address specific symptoms.

What’s Inside Hemp Gummies?

Hemp gummies contain a different extract than CBD gummies. It’s hemp seed oil.

True to its name, this oil comes from the seeds of hemp plants. Unlike flowers, seeds contain no cannabinoids at all; you won’t find any CBD and THC in them.

Hemp oil is also extracted in a different way. CBD oils are produced using CO2 or ethanol, while hemp seed oil is made using cold-press mechanical extraction.

Hemp gummies are devoid of the benefits associated with CBD, but since they contain hemp seed oil, they could be a viable supplement for those who are looking for extra vitamins, trace minerals, and essential fatty acids from hemp.

Long story short, CBD gummies are typically used for wellness and therapeutic purposes, whereas hemp gummies are a better option if you want to provide your body with more nutrients.

What Are CBD Gummies Used for?

CBD gummies have many uses when it comes to supporting our well-being. They can be used to address a broad range of symptoms, from anxiety to pain, sleep issues, digestive problems, and lack of focus.

Here we explore the most noteworthy health benefits of CBD gummies according to studies.

CBD Gummies for Anxiety

Neuroscientists theorize that CBD has over 65 molecular targets besides interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Some of these targets explain CBD gummies’ versatility in managing anxiety-related conditions.

CBD interacts with the 5-HT1A receptor, which controls the reuptake of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter playing an important role in emotional control, feelings of pleasure, happiness, fear, anxiety, and appetite modulation. By slowing down its reuptake, CBD makes serotonin more available to the brain, translating into a more stable mood and reduced feelings of fear.

CBD also modulates the activity of the GABA receptor, slowing down the excitatory mechanisms while increasing the inhibitory actions. This prevents neurons in the brain from firing uncontrollably in stressful events.

Last but not least, CBD enhances anandamide signaling in the ECS. Anandamide is one of the two major endocannabinoids. High levels of anandamide are known to elevate mood, improve responses to stress, and strengthen resistance to pain.

CBD Gummies for Pain

Pain is among the top 3 reasons why people take CBD gummies. The ECS is involved in controlling pain signals between neurons and the brain. It also regulates immune function, balancing inflammatory processes and enhancing the communication between immune cells.

One way CBD gummies may help with pain is by acting on the CB2 receptors in the ECS. These are mostly found in the cells of the immune system and are responsible for the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. By reducing the amount of these compounds in the bloodstream, CBD may help reduce swelling, redness, and pain associated with inflammation.

CBD also engages with TRPV1 vanilloid receptors in the brain, which are key players in pain transmission. CBD binds to these receptors and mitigates painful sensations.

Last but not least, here comes the ECS modulation again. Through improved anandamide signaling, CBD can increase your pain threshold, making you more resistant to physical discomfort.

CBD Gummies for Sleep

Although researchers have yet to fully understand this mechanism, CBD can positively influence our sleep-and-wake cycle.

For example, lower doses make CBD a potential wake-inducing agent, according to one study. When your brain is more alert throughout the day, it can ensure the proper melatonin production in the evening. Melatonin is our natural sleep hormone, which is why so many CBD gummies have it on the list of ingredients.

On the other hand, high doses of CBD can temporarily reduce blood pressure, leading to slower breathing. This physiological stimulus helps you calm down and prepare better for the first stage of sleep. Once you find the right dose of CBD, you can get that sleep quality you deserve.

As it turns out, CBD can also affect different sleep stages. For one, it can increase the time we spend in the deep sleep stage. More importantly, it can also balance the REM stage and alleviate its disorders, especially when it comes to abrupt body movements, tremors, and vocalizations.

What Are Hemp Gummies Used for?

Hemp gummies are definitely used for fewer purposes than CBD gummies. In fact, they usually serve one purpose — to increase the number of valuable nutrients from hemp in an enjoyable form.

Hemp seed oil alone has a nutty and earthy taste, so many people don’t like it. Gummies do an excellent job at masking that taste, making the product more flavorful.

The hemp seed oil contains substantial amounts of essential fatty acids, vitamins, and trace minerals.

Due to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids, hemp seed oil is a popular supplement for cardiovascular health and digestion.

The most commonly reported health benefits of hemp gummies are:

  • Improved gut motility
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Relief from physical discomfort
  • Better skin health

Hemp Gummies vs. CBD Gummies: Which Are Better?

Whether hemp gummies are better than CBD gummies — or the other way round — depends on your health goals.

There are three parts of hemp that manufacturers use to make food and supplements: seeds, leaves, and flowers.

Hemp seeds are a superfood that can be processed and infused into a wide range of products, from hemp seed oil to protein powder to flour. You may also eat them raw and still reap the benefits of their nutrient-dense content.

Flowers and leaves, on the other hand, are used for CBD extraction, so they’re a better fit for making supplements such as CBD oil or gummies.

To decide which product is better for you — hemp gummies or CBD gummies — it’s best to map out your priorities.

Are you trying to support your endocannabinoid system with CBD?

Or are you interested in the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins from hemp seeds?

If you want to reduce pain, anxiety, and improve sleep, then CBD gummies are a better pick.

But as a dietary supplement, hemp gummies do a better job.

That’s not to say that hemp gummies won’t have any effect on your inflammation or anxiety. They will, but they’ll achieve it through different mechanisms and probably need more time to bring you the desired results than CBD gummies.

Where to Buy Hemp Gummies and CBD Gummies

You can find hemp gummies in any food chain store. You’ll also buy them in organic health stores, on Amazon, and in wellness centers. They’re virtually everywhere.

CBD gummies are also popular, but they’re mostly found in cannabis dispensaries, pharmacies, head shops, vape stores, and online shops.

A fun fact? You won’t find CBD gummies on Amazon. The e-commerce giant has a rough policy surrounding CBD products for sale. Many companies use it to their advantage, selling hemp gummies in the guise of CBD gummies.

Fortunately, there’s one way to quickly spot an Amazon hemp gummy scam. Simply look at the product’s label. If it says “hemp extract” or “hemp gummies” instead of “CBD gummies,” it’s an instant red flag. Another sign that you’re looking at fake CBD gummies is a ridiculously high potency on the container, such as 15 000 mg or 20 000 mg.

The above number tells you how many milligrams are there from all compounds in your product, including the fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

If you’re looking for high-quality CBD gummies, order them directly from the manufacturer. Most trustworthy brands have their own websites where you can use special discounts, reward programs, and coupon codes to save money on decent products.

Summarizing the Difference Between Hemp Gummies vs. CBD Gummies

Hemp gummies and CBD gummies are completely different products despite sharing the same source — hemp plants.

Hemp gummies contain hemp seed oil, which doesn’t have any cannabinoids and terpenes.

CBD gummies are made with a resinous CBD extract sourced from the plant’s flowers.

Your choice between hemp gummies vs. CBD gummies boils down to knowing your health goals. The first product will bring you greater nutritional value, while the latter has greater therapeutic potential and directly supports the endocannabinoid system.

Both products can significantly improve your quality of life when you use them consistently. They won’t cure any disease overnight or make your pain disappear completely, but they’re versatile tools to make your life more discomfort-free.


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