Green Crack Strain Information & Review

Sophia Delphi August 05, 2022 - 6 min read
Fact Checked
Image of cannabis strain green crack

It’s hard to discuss this strain, which has been around for decades, without addressing its name. It was originally known as Cush, Green Cush, or Green Kush. None other than Snoop Dogg dubbed it Green Crack; the most believable story is that he was comparing its high to that of the notorious form of smokeable cocaine. In any event, the Green Crack name stuck.

As for that high: this strain is a sativa-dominant hybrid that leaves the user feeling energized, creative, stimulated, happy — and for some users, spaced out. Green Crack can wipe out stress but won’t slow you down. That’s why many use it as a wake-and-bake strain.

Green Crack’s aroma and flavor are a perfect match for its effects: fragrant, fresh, sweet, and invigorating, dominated by a mango taste.

Effects and Side Effects

The effects of some sativa-dominant strains are balanced out by their indica side; they lock the body after the user has enjoyed a potent brain high. Green Crack is different.

This strain shrugs off most of its indica lineage, waking up the brain with a blast of energy. The indica genes’ primary role is to mellow out the intensity of Green Crack’s cerebral high, so it isn’t overwhelming.

The amount of THC in Green Crack can vary widely. It averages 17%, but many growers have tweaked the strain so it may contain as much as 25% THC. That, needless to say, affects the intensity of the high. For example, more potent Green Crack is more likely to induce mild psychedelic effects that can affect vision, hearing, and the sense of time.

However, the strain’s primary effects are the same regardless of potency. Green Crack provides a huge boost in both energy and mood, with a corresponding increase in motivation, focus, and creativity. Even if you don’t have anything you want (or need) to get done, you’ll be in a terrific frame of mind. The strain is a great daytime choice and also a great party companion.

The strength of Green Crack can occasionally have negative effects on users who are already dealing with anxiety or mood issues, potentially causing panic attacks or paranoia. Those people should either choose a different strain or microdose Green Crack until they know how it will affect them.

Overuse of this strain may also lead to green outs, but much more common for all users are dry mouth and dry eyes.

Positive Effects:

  • Energy: 5/5
  • Creative: 4/5
  • Pain: 4/5
  • Stress: 4/5
  • Sleep: 1/5
  • Mood: 4/5

Negative Effects:

  • Paranoid: 2/5
  • Dry Mouth: 5/5
  • Dry Eyes: 4/5
  • Lethargy: 1/5
  • Cough: 3/5

Bottom Line: Green Crack is a powerfully-energizing strain, delivering boosts in mood, motivation, and creativity. It’s an ideal daytime strain, and some users enjoy substituting it for their morning coffee.

Medical Conditions

The mood-elevating ability of Green Crack makes it extremely popular among patients who are dealing with stress and depression. Some users with anxiety issues also find it to be helpful once they know it won’t make matters worse for them. The strain’s ability to provide focus often makes it the choice of some who have ADD or ADHD.

Other patients like Green Crack because of its high THC content, which is known to boost weed’s anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties. A better mood, of course, is also likely to help patients dealing with issues like chronic pain.

Flavor and Aroma

The first thing that hits you when you open a jar or baggie of Green Crack is the delicious smell of citrus and tropical fruit. If you spend a little longer with the bud, you may notice slight notes of wood, earth, and skunk as well.

The flavor of the thick smoke doesn’t disappoint, with fresh, sweet mango hitting your taste buds along with spicy and earthy accents.

Flavor and Aroma Ratings:

  • Earthy: 3/5
  • Citrus: 4/5
  • Fruity: 5/5
  • Spice: 3/5
  • Wood: 2/5

Cannabinoids and Terpenes

We’ve already hit on the highlight: Green Crack’s typical 17% THC content that can range as high as 25% if you get a flower from the right producer and batch. Most other major cannabinoids are virtually non-existent in this strain, with their levels usually all below 0.1%. The only exception is the 1% CBG content that may be found in some vendors’ buds.

As for terpenes, limonene, linalool, myrcene, caryophyllene, phellandrene, myrcene, and valencene are all present in roughly equal amounts, explaining the wonderful mix of citrus and fruit, spice, wood, and sweet aromas and flavors that Green Crack is known for.


The origins of Green Crack aren’t clear. Most experts believe it was originally bred in Athens, Georgia, in the 1970s and that one of its parents is the legendary Skunk #1.

After that, though, opinions vary. Some say that Skunk #1 was bred with an Afghan landrace indica, others say that the other parent was Sweet Leaf Indica, and there is also a theory that Skunk #1 was inbred to produce Green Crack.

Similar Strains

It’s not easy to find a strain that is almost identical to Green Crack because this strain is one of the unique strains, but a number of them come close to replicating the head-high and interesting flavor. East Coast Sour Diesel, Pretty Wicked, Malawi, and Crunchberry are among the ones to try.

Green Crack Strain Review: FAQ

Q: I’ve tried Green Crack, but I’m pretty sure it was an indica and not a sativa. Was I dreaming?
A: Nope, you’re right. There’s a “second version” of Green Crack that you may find in some dispensaries, and it’s an indica-leaning hybrid that delivers less of an energetic head high and more of a body stone. The sativa-dominant Green Crack is much more common, though.

Q: How easy is it to find Green Crack?
A: It used to be everywhere. These days it’s more of a hit-and-miss proposition, as newer strains replace heritage ones on the shelves of smaller dispensaries. As long as you live in an area where there are a number of outlets you can check, you should be able to find at least one or two that still stock Green Crack. Major seed banks all carry the seeds, and clones are also available, so growing it yourself is another option. It’s a pretty easy plant to grow successfully.